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Jacobs Center for Productive Youth Development

Violence Prevention

Achieving effective prevention by means of an evidence-based approach


In order to reduce violence, we need to know which strategies are effective and which not. Over the past years, our research team has aimed to provide such knowledge in a series of projects. These include the scientific evaluation of two programs to reduce aggression among children in the study z-proso (PDF, 1 MB) and a series of national reports containing overviews of effective programs.

Our most recent publication is the report; Effective violence prevention (german): "Wirksame Gewaltprävention", which provides an overview of the current international knowledge on strategies to reduce violence. The report was written for the Swiss fund for child protection projects and the Federal Ministry of Social Insurances. It discusses 26 approaches in the areas of the individual, family, school, social space, and victim support. For each of these areas, it shows whether programs are overall effective, which factors influence their effectiveness and what types of programs are available in Switzerland.

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