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The Jacobs Center organizes each semester a series of three to nine interdisciplinary lectures, for which internationally renowned speakers are invited. The topics are related to the Center's major research areas.
The Research Seminar Series takes place at the University and is open
to the public. Teachers, students and other interested persons are cordially invited.
CANCELED: Prof. Dr. Carolin Strobl
Professor of Psychological Methods, Evaluation and Statistics and Head of the research unit at the
University of Zurich, Department of Psychology
The “Botanical Garden” of Machine Learning - Understanding the Ideas behind Decision Trees and Random Forests
CANCELED: Prof. Dr. Sonia Bhalotra
Professor of Economics at the University of Warwick
Antidepressant Use and School Academic Achievement
CANCELED: Prof. Dr. Jeylan Mortimer
Professor of Sociology at the University of Minnesota
Extending the Status Attainment Paradigm: Recent Findings from the Youth Development Study
Prof. Dr. Jonathan Jan Benjamin Mijs
Professor of Sociology, Boston University
Veni fellow at Erasmus University Rotterdam
The Social Life of Inequality: Why Unequal Countries Stay That Way (recorded talk)
Q & A at 3pm via Zoom (more info on the flyer)
Dr. rer. nat. Tilman Reinelt
Senior Research Associate NGN Research Center, Neonatology Clinic, USZ
Self-regulation in Early Childhood
Dr. Marta Golin
Postdoctoral Research Associate at the Jacobs Center for Productive Youth Development, University of Zurich
Marlene Staginnus
PhD Researcher at the Department of Psychology, University of Bath
Testing the Ecophenotype Model: Brain Structure in Conduct Disorder With and Without Childhood Maltreatment
Dr. Flavia Wehrle
Postdoctoral researcher at the Child Development Center at the Children's Hospital Zurich
Zurich Longitudinal Studies – Health and Development Across the Lifespan