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Moritz Daum, Prof. Dr.
Director Jacobs Center
Professor of Developmental Psychology
Department of Psychology
044 634 06 81 (Secretariat)
Marlis Buchmann, Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c.
Principal Investigator
Professor of Sociology
Former Jacobs Center Director (2004-2015)
044 634 06 80
Kaspar Burger, Prof. Dr.
SNSF Eccellenza Professor
Institute of Sociology
Ana Costa-Ramón, Prof. Dr.
Assistant Professor of Economics of Child and Youth Development
Principal Investigator of Health Economics Research Area
Member of the Governing Board
Manuel Eisner, Prof. Dr.
Director of the Institute of Criminology‚ Wolfson Professor of Criminology‚ and Director of the Violence Research Centre at the University of Cambridge‚ UK
Professor of Sociology‚ University of Zurich (em.)
z-proso: Initiator and Co-Project Director
Zurich Youth Surveys (ZYS): Initiator
Nora Maria Raschle, Prof. Dr.
Assistant Professor of Psychology
Principal Investigator of Developmental Neuroscience Research Area
Member of the Governing Board
044 634 06 97
Lilly Shanahan, Prof. Dr.
Professor of Clinical Developmental Psychology
Department of Psychology
Principal Investigator of Risk & Resilience Research Area
Co-Project Director z-proso
Michael Shanahan, Prof. Dr.
Professor of Sociology
Director‚ Department of Sociology
Member of the Governing Board
Former Jacobs Center Director (2015-2021)
Ulf Zölitz, Prof. Dr.
Professor of Economics for Child and Youth Development
Department of Economics
Principal Investigator of Education Economics Research Area
044 634 06 87
Research Associates
Margit Averdijk, Dr.
Senior Research Associate
Gian Andri Bamert
Student Assistant‚ Neuroimaging & Science Outreach
Developmental Neuroscience
Laura Bechtiger, Dr.
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Risk & Resilience and z-proso NextGen
Marco Bleiker
Research Coordinator
Developmental Psychology
044 635 74 81
Ana Brás Monteiro
Doctoral Research Associate
Education Economics
David Bürgin, Dr.
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Risk & Resilience
Lea Buzzi, MA
Research Associate
044 635 23 12
Raffaella Dimastrochicco
Pre Doctoral Research Fellow
Education Economics
Plamina Dimanova, Dr.
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Developmental Neuroscience
044 634 06 83
Lukas Eggenberger
Doctoral Research Associate
Risk & Resilience
Elena Federici, MSc.
Doctoral Research Associate
Social Neuroscience / Intergenerational Neuroimaging / Neural Similarity
Developmental Neuroscience
Mirjam Habegger, MSc.
Doctoral Research Associate
Developmental Neuroscience
Doris Hanappi, Dr.
Research Associate
Lead for Policy and Impact LEARN
Co-Lead LEAPS Kontext
+41 79 551 46 67
Jens Heumann
Doctoral Research Associate
Social Genomics
044 634 06 79
Hira Imeri
Research Associate
Social Genomics
Clarissa Janousch, Dr.
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Risk & Resilience
Michelle Loher
Doctoral Research Associate
Risk & Resilience
Zurich Youth Surveys (ZYS): Co-author
Miriam Löffler
Doctoral Research Associate
Developmental Psychology
Sara Mohammadi
Pre Doctoral Research Fellow
Health Economics
Preveen Panakkal, MSc.
Research Associate
044 634 61 34
Benjamin Poilane
Research Associate
Social Genomics
Nina Raduner, MSc.
Doctoral Research Associate
Developmental Neuroscience
Denis Ribeaud, Dr.
Senior Research Associate
z-proso: Co-Project Director
Zurich Youth Surveys (ZYS): Project Director
044 635 23 29
Joanna Rutkowska, Dr.
Post-Doctoral Research Associate
Developmental Psychology
Dennis Saikkonen, MSc.
Doctoral Research Associate
Intergenerational Neuroimaging / Mentalizing fMRI/Connectivity
Developmental Neuroscience
Valéry Sailly
Pre Doctoral Research Fellow
Health Economics
Sebastian Sauppe, Dr.
Senior teaching and research assistant
Developmental Psychology
Sofia Scatolin, MSc.
Doctoral Research Associate
Developmental Neuroscience
Maeike Slikkerveer
Doctoral Research Associate
Developmental Psychology
Michaela Slotwinski
Research Associate
Health Economics
Sandro Stutz
Doctoral Research Associate
Developmental Psychology
Hans Thalathara
Master's Student
Risk & Resilience
Albert Thieme
Data Scientist
Education Economics
Valentina Vylobkova, Dr.
Research Associate
Developmental Psychology
044 634 06 73
Lisa Wagner, Dr.
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Developmental Psychology
044 634 06 70
Stephanie Wermelinger, Dr.
Senior teaching and research assistant
Developmental Psychology
044 635 74 92
Stephanie Kernich, Dr.
Business Manager / Geschäftsführung
044 634 06 95
Ines Florin, lic. phil.
z-proso and Zurich Youth Surveys (ZYS): Project Administrator
044 634 06 89
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