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Jacobs Center for Productive Youth Development

Social Genomics Workshop at the Jacobs Center

Jacobs Center

Summer 2018

Vorschaubild Workshop

The Social Genomics research group of the Jacobs Center is currently holding a workshop with several international experts, including Steve Cole (Professor of Medicine and Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences in the UCLA School of Medicine), Lauren Gaydosh (Assistant Professor at the Center for Medicine, Health, and Society, Vanderbilt University), Kathleen Harris (James E. Haar Distinguished Professor, Sociology and Carolina Population Center at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), and Michael Shanahan (Professor of Child and Youth Development at the Department of Sociology and Director of the Jacobs Center for Productive Youth Development at the University of Zurich).

The workshop is focusing on newly available data in the Add Health study that was collected with NIH funding that the team acquired. The Add Health study is a long-running large sample of young people in the United States.  The new data allows the team to connect people’s experiences from as early as childhood to their gene expression patterns in their late 30ies. This research requires the bridging of the social sciences, biology, and statistics.

Workshop Bild
Alex Junghans, Lauren Gaydosh, Kathleen Mullan Harris, Justin Chumbley, Cecilia Potente
