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Jacobs Center for Productive Youth Development

Moritz Daum and Doris Hanappi receive funding for an EU HORIZON Project focused on educational inequalities

Moritz Daum and Doris Hanappi, leading the "Policy and Impact on Education" work package in LEARN, collaborate with Laura Bernardi and 11 European teams to consolidate and disseminate scientific evidence on educational inequalities, facilitating informed policymaking and public engagement.

Doris Hanappi und Moritz Daum

Summarizing Evidence – Training the Evaluation of Evidence – Making Evidence work

The European Union's HORIZON Europe Programme has committed major funding for research on educational inequalities for the LEARN project “Longitudinal Educational Achievements: Reducing iNequalities”. Led by Gary Pollock at University of Helsinki, LEARN aims to map and collect existing longitudinal educational data across nine European countries. This effort provides a comprehensive analysis of patterns of educational inequalities in learning outcomes, access to education and final educational attainment and identify effective interventions to compensate inequalities.

Moritz Daum and Doris Hanappi lead the "Policy and Impact on Education" work package within LEARN, focused on bridging scientific knowledge with policymaking and public engagement. Their responsibilities include creating an online platform to share and translate scientific evidence on educational inequalities, training the evaluation of evidence for child-friendly education policies, and organizing science-policy-public cycles. Together with Laura Bernardi at University of Lausanne and 11 teams in Europe, the Swiss team reviews, consolidates, and valorizes scientific evidence to help establish the broadest understanding yet developed of the patterns of educational inequalities within, and between, European countries.

Utilizing diverse data from sources such as the z-proso research infrastructure, COCON, kleineWeltentdecker, LEAPS Kontext and TREE, LEARN will employ longitudinal and case study approaches to uncover the root causes of educational inequalities. This includes exploring the impact of socio-economic status, gender, ethnicity, and migrant status on diverging learning and developmental outcomes.

Project members of the Swiss team: Prof. Dr. Moritz Daum, Prof. Dr. Laura Bernardi, Dr. Doris Hanappi, Dr. Denis Ribeaud, Prof. Dr. Marlis Buchmann

Despite Europe's reputation for educational excellence, deep-seated inequalities persist within and between countries. LEARN's efforts aim to provide policymakers with evidence-based tools to drive meaningful change. By improving the evidence base for education policy-making, the positive impact of LEARN is expected to reverberate for decades, fostering a more equitable educational landscape across Europe.

LEARN, scheduled to commence on April 1, 2024, will span a three-year duration with €2.3 million funding from the EU. An additional €1 million contribution from research partners in the UK and Switzerland underscores the collaborative effort to tackle educational inequalities.

Jacobs Center
